Fishing Adventures in Manitoba

When it comes time to take that much-needed fishing trip, your time is your time. Our unguided camps let you do you. No schedules, no clock, no timelines. Our friendly camp attendants will show you the latest hot spots and get you going in the right direction. Hit those spots up at the crack of dawn, or perhaps not—maybe after that big hearty breakfast, perhaps after you check some emails or anytime during the day or evening—it’s your schedule! Why would you want to fish with a stranger when you can have your best buddy alongside of you? Harrop Lake is big enough that you can always find your own spot away from anyone else, and small enough that you are never far from camp and Whiskeyjack Lake, well, that is your own private playground!

So, you haven’t run a boat before you say? No problem! We will have you operating one like a pro in no time at Harrop. We will give you all the tools to have a successful and memorable experience. You will definitely want to come back! Our guests have frequently reported catching hundreds of fish in a single day! How much better does that get?

Fishing at Harrop Lake Wilderness Lodge

What We Provide at Harrop Lake

  • Roundtrip floatplane transportation from Lac du Bonnet to the camps and back
  • Lodging in our modern, well-equipped private cabin
  • Boats, motors, unlimited fuel, life jackets, nets, and stingers
  • 24-hour electrical power
  • Internet
  • Barbeque and fish cookers
  • Ice (made from lake water, not suitable for beverages, but it will keep your beer ice cold)
  • Fish cleaning facilities

What We Provide at Whiskeyjack Lake

  • Roundtrip floatplane transportation from Lac du Bonnet to the camps and back
  • Lodging in our modern, well-equipped private cabin
  • Boats, motors, unlimited fuel, life jackets, nets, and stingers
  • Solar power with backup generator
  • Full-size freezer
  • Barbeque and fish cookers
  • Fish cleaning facilities

What You Need to Bring

  • Light bedding, clothing, and personal items
  • Fishing gear (leave those 40 lbs tackle boxes at home; PACK LIGHT! A few jigs and a couple crank baits is all you need).
  • Food, beverages and snacks
  • Fishing licenses

Weight limit: 125 lbs per person


In order to lighten your load, we have a good supply of bait available for purchase at the camp, but you must indicate ahead of time your intention to purchase.


We also have an order form for your grocery requirements.  We will forward your order to Campbell’s grocery store in Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba, and it will be delivered to the float plane base the morning of your flight. A small fee will be charged for this service.

Fishing for the Future

Harrop Lake and outposts are premiere fly-in fishing destinations and we want to maintain that for future generations of anglers. We have implemented our own high management strategy to protect and even improve this amazing fishery. Many of our guests told us this year that they have never caught as many fish or as big of fish as they had this year after a two-year COVID hiatus.

Guest can now keep walleye from 14” to 17” and pike up to 32” for meals only while you stay with us. No fish may be taken home and all fish outside these measurements must be released to be caught another day. Fish can somewhat be compared to trees. Did you know that a 19” walleye is approximately 10 years old? It takes years to grow trophy fish, so let’s all do our part for the future.